We have a wealth of experience in caring for children, especially children facing difficult family situations. SOS Children's Villages helps in the long term, effectively, unconditionally and with passion. Because every child has the right to a happy childhood.

Total staff complement of 126- inclusive of mothers, aunties, professional staff and support staff.

We have 301 children in our care(Tlokweng 114, Serowe 75 and Francistown 112) as at July 17th  2024.


We succeed in doing this because we follow strong principles; these are at the heart of our work for children and young people. Our original four principles – the mother, brothers and sisters, the house and the village – have guided us in our work with SOS families. Our updated care principles are based on this rich experience and have evolved to guide us into the future.


Unique & Respected

Every child has a unique set of talents and strengths. We recognise their potential, listen to their ambitions for the future and offer our support to make them a reality. Knowing the challenges of children and young people, we do not give up on them but guide and accompany them to become independent and contributing members of society.


Caring & Reliable

Children develop best in a close and trusting relationship with an adult who takes the role of a parent. They need someone to be there for them no matter what – accepting them and caring for them. Someone who has the skills to guide each child’s development. We work to ensure that children can experience a reliable relationship with a caregiver based on love, respect and security.


Stable & Lasting

Every child belongs to a family and preferably grows up in that family. If children cannot grow up with their family of origin, we support them to bond and form lifelong ties with their alternative family. We make sure that brothers and sisters can remain together. In all cases, we maintain the best possible relationship between the child and the family of origin.


Safe & Supportive

Every child needs safe and supportive spaces, where they can experience a happy childhood and a healthy development. We support families to connect across their community to share experiences and offer one another a helping hand.


We believe that no child should grow up alone and that every child should live in a caring family, with the opportunity simply to be a child. 

When children grow up ‘alone’, without the love and support of a caregiver, they face a greater risk of discrimination, neglect, abuse and abandonment. They are more likely to be deprived of opportunities to learn, mature and develop life skills, and so they find it more difficult to become contributing members of society. If they have their own children, they may be unable to adequately support their children’s development and so the harmful effects may be passed on to the next generation. Wider society also suffers, as a greater strain is placed on welfare and health systems.

The key is quality care. Growing up in a stable and secure family with the support of a caregiver enables children to fulfill their potential. They develop basic life skills such as communication, cooperation, problem-solving and setting personal goals. They also build self-confidence, determination and resilience. Their caregivers ensure they attend school and take advantage of healthcare services. Children are also better able to develop social networks, which can be a source of support in everyday life. Ultimately, they have healthy relationships, find decent jobs and transform their communities for the better.

The investment in care has a multiplying effect, as – generation after generation – children receive enriching care, flourish, and realise their potential. It all starts with ensuring that children have quality care from cradle to career. It’s the right thing to do, and it’s the smart thing to do. Care for children makes the world a better place. That is the Care Effect. 


Every child belongs to a family

Every child grows with love

Every child grows with respect

Every child grows with security


We build families for children in need

We help them shape their own futures

We share in the development of their communities


Core Values



