Child & Youth Care Practitioner Training

At SOS Children's Villages Botswana, we believe key to the quality of care provided is that caregivers are well-prepared before taking on their role. This includes on-going learning, development and practice supervision through which their skills and capacity are continuously enhanced. 

The Learning and Development Approach for Child and Youth Care Practitioners aims to support this aspect of the quality of care - the strengthening of the capacity of caregivers. The approach to learning and development of caregivers is learner-centric and strength-based; each practitioner is “enabled to lead their own learning and development and build the competencies needed to achieve positive outcomes for children and young people in their care” (L&D Framework).


Just like children and young people are considered the centre of their care and development, the caregiver is placed at the centre of their learning and development, where they can utilise all of the support and resources available to them to support their development. We offer comprehensive Child & Youth Care Practitioner Training, which includes modules on child development, trauma-informed care, and family dynamics, to enhance the well-being and development of children and youth. In addition, Caregivers are trained for 5 weeks using Learning and Development Approach on Competency Portfolio for Caregivers,  L & D Framework for Child and Youth Care Practitioners amongst others.