Employment & Entrepreneurship Training Program

Employment and Entreprenuer Training

Employment or entrepreneurship training in any discipline to meet the needs of the local job market for children, young people and adults from alternative care and family strengthening, and others from the community. Examples • Vocational training for young people to increase their employability skills, e.g. craftsmanship • Collaboration with local or international companies for internships, job preparation and employment training (e.g. YouthCan!).

Preparing young people for a future and productive life upon exiting from care as well as building self-reliance within their family settings. 

Youth empowerment is critical in the SOS Children's Villages of Botswana in family strengthening (FS) and Alternative Care (AC). The Intervention focus on preparing young people for a future and productive life upon exiting from care as well as building self-reliance within their family settings. As part of that process SOS  continues supporting vulnerable young people through secondary and tertiary education, and vocational training. Vocational training focus on developing entrepreneurship and employment skills and competencies in preparation for the job market and participation in the community economic and development activities.

Young people will be oriented on how to access financial support through the different government youth programmes and other opportunities available through similar programmes offered by other partners who equips young people with vocational skills, career coaching, and entrepreneurial training to increase their employability and support their journey to financial independence.