Supervised Independent Living
Foster Family Care
Family Like Care
Direct Family Empowerment
Community Empowerment for Family Empowerment
Child & Youth Care Practitioner Training
Employment and Entreprenuership Training
Health Promotion and Prevention
Oral Health
Sexual Reproductive Health
Disaster Preparedness
Safeguarding and Prevention Interventions
Advocacy for children and youth social development
Gender Equality
Child Safeguarding
Children's Rights
Protection of Children’s Rights
Our Success Stories
Our Strategy
Our History
How to Donate
Give Monthly
Legacies and Bequests
Sponsor a Child
Educate a Child
Sponsor a Family
Ways to Partner with Us
Marketing Partnerships
Matching Gifts
Current Corporate Partnerships
Changing a child's life forever is a team effort.
Your support means a lot to every child.
SOS Children’s Villages understands the critical role that businesses play in creating sustainable change for vulnerable children. Considering the current economic challenges and the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, there is an increased need to supplement fundraising efforts creatively to sustain critical programs. We want to move beyond traditional ‘CSR’ relationships and instead embrace transformational and strategic partnerships with progressive businesses that share our values. We partner with companies and organizations in achieving our common Sustainable Development Goals.
SOS Children's Villages Botswana welcomes the opportunity to develop corporate marketing partnerships. The following guidelines will help you determine if a partnership with SOS Children's Villages Botswana will help meet your business objectives. We look for partners that: Have a solid history and strong brand image (a minimum of one year in business is preferred). Want to make a significant, clearly-defined contribution to the global community. Provide products or services that offer a natural affinity to SOS through demonstrated shared values, such as a focus on children, family, or moms. Embrace social responsibility through any of the following: History of philanthropic activity and/or donations, especially supporting children’s causes globally through donations, in-kind support and other forms of assistance; History of supporting employee actions such as community outreach, volunteering, payroll donations, or matching gifts; and CSR policy in place and history of active implementation.
An SOS Family Home is a loving, family-like environment, for children without parental care. Your CSI contribution towards an SOS Family Home, provides an SOS Family, with up to 8 children, with a qualified carer, the SOS Mother, an education suited to their needs, nutritious meals, access to good healthcare, clean water and minor building maintenance. Many of the children we care for have had difficult life experiences and for those children with specific needs, we provide remedial tuition, trauma counselling and psychological support.
Does your Corporate Social Investment policy aim to contribute both financially and through staff involvement? Do you want to be certain that your investment and involvement will create immense impact? Family Home Sponsorship presents an ideal opportunity for you. Through an annual contribution of P72 000 (P6 000 per house per month) you will be allocated a specific family in a specific village whom you will sponsor. Your donation will be used to supplement the running costs of the house. This is a mutually rewarding partnership. We would welcome your enquiries. Please email us
Thanks to the social commitment of many donors and responsible companies, children who have lost parental care, now have the chance to have a successful childhood, the chance to develop their potential, to take up jobs and to become independent and responsible members of our society.
KFC’s contributions through its Add Hope campaign, combined with P2 donations from our customers, feed more than 30 million nutritious meals to children throughout Botswana. This contributes to a brighter future for these children, as they will be able to focus when they have a full stomach which fuels them to learn, grow and thrive. We are proud to partner with SOS Children’s Villages to feed the potential of those who need it most.
The Foshini Group (TFG) Funds a Family Strenthening (F) Project called Support My School in Tlokweng Village and donates clothes to all SOS Villages in Botswana
Imperial School of Business & Sciences provides child sponsorship, scholarship for children, clothing and other needs
Orange Foundation provides internet in the Tlokweng Village facility on annual basis and funds a sports development program for children
Sharma & Associates provides House Sponsorship in which an SOS Family live with a qualified carer, the SOS Mother, an education suited to their needs, nutritious meals, access to good healthcare, clean water and minor building maintenance.
Standard Chartered Foundation (Satndard Bank) Funds youth empowerment project in Botswana for and employee volunteering. In 2022, post Covid 2019, SOS Children’s Villages in Botswana embarked on a project called Collective Communities to empower young people who were severely affected by the pandemic. Standard Chartered Foundation, and in partnership with other stakeholders, started several intervention projects with the objective to offer young people vocational education, entrepreneurship training, digital training, and incubation facilities.
Herbalife Nutrition Foundation, supports a project for child nutrition.
Delta Waters International School is a committed giver of SOS Children's Villages Botswana in the form of cash donations.
Debswana funds the SOS Children's Village, Serowe Farm.
Carmel Auto provides House Sponsorship in which an SOS Family live with a qualified carer, the SOS Mother, an education suited to their needs, nutritious meals, access to good healthcare, clean water and minor building maintenance.
Imperial Hardware provides Child Sponsorship for three children in SOS Children's Villages, Tlokweng.