Supervised Independent Living
Foster Family Care
Family Like Care
Direct Family Empowerment
Community Empowerment for Family Empowerment
Child & Youth Care Practitioner Training
Employment and Entreprenuership Training
Health Promotion and Prevention
Oral Health
Sexual Reproductive Health
Disaster Preparedness
Safeguarding and Prevention Interventions
Advocacy for children and youth social development
Gender Equality
Child Safeguarding
Children's Rights
Protection of Children’s Rights
Our Success Stories
Our Strategy
Our History
How to Donate
Give Monthly
Legacies and Bequests
Sponsor a Child
Educate a Child
Sponsor a Family
Ways to Partner with Us
Marketing Partnerships
Matching Gifts
Current Corporate Partnerships
We are curious!
Children and young people are the adults of tomorrow. In order to boldly accompany them into the future, our employees must be curious and act as pioneers in the here and now.
We are awesome!
We have professionals at work - brilliant people who bring expertise from many areas and always surprise us. For us, being professional also means taking responsibility, learning from mistakes and constantly evolving.
We are colorful!
Diversity can be found in all areas. This makes our work varied, colorful and exciting.
We are strong!
SOS Children's Villages is one of the largest providers of child and youth care, a donation organisation and independent of political parties. This gives us security, but also many opportunities!
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SOS Children's Villages has zero tolerance neither on sexual exploitation, harassment, and abuse nor fraud and corrutpion, amongst other safeguarding aspects. We also provide equal employment opportunities to all emplolyees and qualified applicants without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, national religion, age, disability, marital status, or class. SOS Children's Villages complies with all applicable laws governing non-discrimination in employment.